L to R: Kevin Jensen, President of FBINCAAA; Mark Johnson, President of FBISDCAAA; Sheri Sachs, Honoree; Kathie Wylie, VP Chapter Relations of FBINCAAA
Dear Citizens Academy Alumni,
This month I’d like to recognize three heroes of our own. At the national conference, September 5-7, the FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association Board of Directors awarded its prestigious Presidential Gold Medal to three FBI San Diego CAAA members: Sheri Sachs, Gary Bobileff, and Mike Struttmann. They were recognized for their outstanding support of law enforcement over a 12-day period in mid-May 2018 when they coordinated, delivered, and (in some cases) cooked meals for approximately 125 Federal, State, and Local law enforcement professionals and forensic analysts.
Following a suspicious bombing in Orange County, law enforcement professionals were called in from jurisdictions across the United States to conduct an extensive investigation of the crime scene. In coordination with their counterparts from the FBI Los Angeles CAAA, our three members worked with local merchants to ensure sufficient meals were available for the investigators twice each day over the 12-day period.
The actions of Sheri, Gary, and Mike reflect great credit upon themselves, the San Diego Chapter, and the FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association nationwide. We’re proud to have them in our chapter.
W. Mark Johnson
President, FBI San Diego Citizens Academy Alumni Association