About the FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association


  • To promote the purposes of the San Diego Division of the FBI;
  • To provide educational opportunities for its members and the public relative to the formation, purposes, operations, and policies of the San Diego Division of the FBI;
  • To provide a forum for members of the public to interact with public officials and other employees of the FBI;
  • To assist the San Diego Division of the FBI in its community outreach and educational mission;
  • To provide a community based and supported organization designed to promote safer communities through community service projects and education; and
  • To foster the special connection between the FBI Citizens Academy graduates and the FBI by such activities designated by the corporation’s Board of Directors.
The FBI San Diego Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBISDCAAA) is a San Diego community-based organization supported by its participants. Our work is in alignment with FBI San Diego Division’s priorities, capabilities, needs and objectives. Learn more about our Victim Assistance Project. Public support and understanding is essential to the FBI’s success in protecting America. 

  • We provide a venue to remain abreast of the current issues and challenges the intelligence and law enforcement communities face.
  • We provide opportunities for community outreach, education, safety awareness programs.
  • We become force multipliers in our region by serving as “Community Ambassadors of the FBI”.

The FBI San Diego Citizens Academy was founded in 2001 in an effort to establish and foster relationships between the FBI San Diego District Office and the community. Since then, the FBI San Diego Citizens Academy Alumni Association has helped the Bureau extend its reach into the community, graduating 20 classes with more than 500 participants. After participating in the Academy, we encourage graduates to stay engaged and join the FBI San Diego Citizens Academy Alumni Association.

  • We support FBI Community Outreach initiatives like the Teen Academy, Citizens Academy, and Junior Special Agent programs.
  • We sponsor the FBI’s participation in annual law enforcement outreach programs like the Teddy Bear drive and Shop with a Cop.
  • We volunteer at information booths to spread public awareness of safety programs at the annual National Night Out and other community events.
  • We share informational presentations with other community leaders.

If you have a desire to more fully understand the inner workings of the FBI, put yourself into the shoes of a Special Agent for eight weeks as a participant of the FBI San Diego Citizens Academy. In the News In November 2019, the FBISDCAAA launched the Victim Assistance Project to provide discretionary funding and services to help meet the critical needs of victims. Board member Elizabeth Cox appeared on KUSI to introduce the project and provide examples of how funds raised will assist in reducing the effects of trauma. FBISDCAAA co-sponsored “FBI Women Behind the Badge” in March 2019, an informational event that was free and open to the public. FBI Special Agent Davene Butler appeared on KUSI’s Good Morning San Diego in celebration of Women’s history month and shared information about the first women to join the FBI. Adopt a School Program In conjunction with the FBI’s “Adopt a School” program, the Monarch School’s 5th grade class participates in the Junior Special Agent program. Through generous donations from our members, the FBISDCAAA replaced headphones students use for individual learning on laptops and provided gift cards and prizes for the teacher to incentivize positive behaviors throughout the year. FBISDCAAA members toured the Monarch School to better understand their incredible work with homeless youth. Donated clothes are displayed in the “Butterfly Boutique” where kids can shop for themselves with dignity.      The FBISDCAAA hosts a holiday party and purchases gifts for the 5th grade class each December.