Southern California Citizens Academies Combine Support Efforts
On Tuesday, May 15, 2018, an explosion occurred in a medical building in Aliso Viejo 2018 that killed one person and injured at least three people. More than 125 FBI agents and Law Enforcement officials were quickly deployed to investigate this tragedy. The Citizens Academies of San Diego and Los Angeles counties joined forces to provide daily meals to law enforcement. Our Chapter contributed funds – courtesy of member Michael Struttmann from SIMS Software – to quickly purchase meals and Board member Gary Bobileff worked with the FBILACAAA to secure donations from Costco, Subway, 7-11, and Macaroni Grill. Gary set up a BBQ and grilled 50 chickens!
Katherine Gulotta from the FBI Los Angeles Field Office of Public and Congressional Affairs said “Food service is a critical component to the health and welfare of investigators and personnel. It gives first responders the fuel and energy to continue, especially when their bodies say otherwise.” The FBISDCAAA looks forward to evaluating lessons learned and will develop a comprehensive plan in order to be ready to respond to these types of events in the future.