Spring 2018 Announcements
Connections Needed
Our chapter will hold a two-hour “train the trainer” event for the FBI Community Relations Executive Seminar Training (CREST) program later this summer. “Chasing the Dragon” is a 47-minute documentary that explores the growing epidemic of prescription drug and heroin abuse. A discussion with FBI and DEA staff will follow the screening. We are exploring movie theater venues that can accommodate 75-100 people. If you have a connection to an alternative option, please let Charmin Lindholm know. If you have connections to educators or leaders in the drug prevention field, we can invite them as well. Email charmin.lindholm@gmail.com to coordinate details.
Seeking Speakers Bureau Participants
Our chapter launched a Speakers Bureau to inform the public about the missions, priorities, and organization of the FBISDCAAA and the history of the FBI. A new PowerPoint presentation was created in collaboration with the national FBICAAA and our first presentation to the American Red Cross Business Leadership Council was on June 8. These business and community leaders know the importance and value of a resilient community. If you are interested in learning more about our new Speakers Bureau program or have community connections to schedule future presentations, please contact Sheri Sachs at sherisachs@me.com.